MAMSA Movie Night
20th of June By King Ho Wong
Assignments. Swotvac. Exams. OSCEs. As medical students, we become very familiar with these stressful terms throughout our 5-year tenure. As for mental wellbeing, we don’t seem to reflect on our journey very often. As much as academics and research is vital, we should not overlook the importance of recreation and rest as they are huge de-stressors. Watching movies is a great example.
We gathered on a Saturday evening to watch the thriller “Get Out” while enjoying treats like chocolates and pies made by our awesome president Jeffrey. ‘Twas an enjoyable night, and of course was a nice quick breather amidst our busy schedules.
The MAMSA social team has dedicated a tailored activity each month to suit different needs. So far this year we have held our sports day and a movie night to name a few. We wish you all a very restful winter break, and be reenergized for a busy upcoming second half of the year, whether it be anatomy labs, ward rounds, or intern preparation.
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